Unlocking the Feudalism Civic with a lot of Farms can give you a huge bonus to Food in your cities. One thing that is not made immediately clear by this Civ 6 Districts chart is that the Theater Square, Harbor, Commercial Hub, and Industrial Zone all receive +1 adjacency bonuses when next to two.Holy Site placed next to the Yosemite National Park can be a bonus of +11 Faith, depending on surrounding Woods / Rainforests (See image below).For one, the Industrial Zone's adjacency bonus provides +1 Production for every adjacent mine or quarry. All land military units spawn here, and is required to train cops and armies Encampment buildings increase strategic resource maximum stockpile by 10, as well as bonus XP to units trained. Campuses surrounded by Mountains produce 8 Science (See image below). The Industrial Zone is one of the most important districts when it comes to placement. Acts as a defensible district (like the City Center) once walls have been built.If your city is nearby a large amount of Deserts, taking advantage of the Petra Wonder in combination with the Desert Folklore Pantheon (additional Faith for Desert Tiles), you can turn a tile that produces nothing into +2 Food +2 Gold +1 Production and +1 Faith on each and every Deserts Tiles for your city.If you can manage to settle next to one, you'll be largely rewarded. Natural Wonders are huge for building Holy Sites and Neighborhoods.This guide will help you to place districts to maximize your District adjacency bonus as well as to help plan the placement of your districts to provide maximum benefit and maintain tiles for future districts or wonders that you may be planning to build. In addition, the Hansa gains +2 Production for every adjacent Commercial Hub district as well as +1 Production for every adjacent resource, which includes but is not limited to mines and quarries.The District Strategy is one of the Guides for optimal District building in Civilization VI. The concept of districts is something like ‘deployed cities’ While in previous Civilization games, all buildings. You will soon have to familiarize yourself with Civilization 6 districts (a new feature of the saga) to carry out both short-term decisions and long-term urban planning.
#Civ 6 wiki districtrs how to
The Hansa has half the cost of the normal Industrial Zone. Civilization 6: Districts How they work, the best placement of plots and how to get adjacency bonuses.

When led by Magnificence Catherine, their default colors are white and olive.
They are led by Catherine de Medici, under whom their default colors are blue and light yellow and (with Gathering Storm) by Eleanor of Aquitaine, under whom their default colors are pink and light yellow. Horses are an Ancient Era Strategic Resource in Civilization VI. Germany has a unique replacement for the Industrial Zone called the Hansa. Back to Civilizations The French people represent a civilization in Civilization VI. Lastly, building the Industrial Zone allows the parent city to pursue the Industrial Zone project, which produces science and Great Engineer points in exchange for Production. sid meier’s civilization vi is the next entry in the award winning civilization franchise, which has sold in nearly 33 million units worldwide, including more than 8 million units of civilization v. For each citizen working in the Industrial Zone, an additional +2 Production is provided. It also costs 1 Gold maintenance per turn. The Industrial Zone provides +1 Great Engineer point per turn.